“BORN IN SWITZERLAND” Swiss Original Fintech Overview Map Update: 162 Companies


News / Switzerland 2743 Views 0

“BORN IN SWITZERLAND” Swiss Original Fintech Overview Map Update: 162 Companies


News / Switzerland 2743 Views 0

Luc Schuurmans, Head Private Banking, Executive Management at Bank Linth LLB AG,  put together an updated overview map of Fintech Companies “Born in Switzerland”.

Since his last update, he collected 22 Fintech Startup more – nummo, TokenSuisse, Lapo Blockchain, GENTWO, creditfolio, Lendity, ImmoYou, Guruvest, Byjuno AG, OpenMetrics Solutions LLC, SEBA Crypto AG, Sygnum, Tindeco, unblu, Appway, ex indiciis,  smolio, propmatch, Leva, tradeplus24, GreenMatch and Credit Exchange AG.

Here are the descriptions of all the startups listed in Luc’s map:


Verve Capital Partners Ltd. operates investiere.ch, a disruptive early-stage and equity gap financier. Based in Zug, Switzerland, Verve Capital Partners was launched in December 2007, with the aim to develop and implement innovative financing concepts for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) while connecting private investors directly to SME investments.

WeCan.Fund connects investors to the best Swiss SMEs seeking crowdfunded loans. They provide a secure, user-friendly, transparent platform that will revolutionize SME financing.

Swiss Crowdfunding is The First Swiss Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform. They have the right of sale of real estate for a total value of over 2 billions Euros: this includes housing estate, for profit, accommodation facilities and many hotels in spread throughout 8 different countries in Europe.

Top 30 FinTech Startups crowdhouse

Bricks & Bytes AG provides with crowdhouse.ch the first real estate crowd funding platform in Switzerland. By democratizing the way of being a real estate owner it makes everyone a happy landlord.

wemakeit.com was founded in Switzerland in February 2012 by the communication consultant Rea Eggli, the artist Johannes Gees and the interaction designer Jürg Lehni and within very short time grew into one of the largest crowdfunding platforms in Europe.

Propmatch.ch We are a 2015 founded PropTech Startup from Basel. Our goal is to make B2B real estate transactions (investment properties and real estate) more efficient. We help real estate professionals with our open and free analytics platform to make better decisions. Through the combination of Big Data, GIS and Analytics, we enable intelligent matching between sellers, properties and buyers of all sizes throughout Switzerland.

Projektstarter ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform mit Sitz in Solothurn, welche seit dem Jahr 2011 tollen Ideen und ihren Machern eine Möglichkeit zur Finanzierung bietet. Sie ist in Besitz der Designatelier GmbH. ProjektStarter bietet den Menschen im Raum Schweiz die Möglichkeit ihre Idee oder ihr Projekt zu finanzieren.

100-days.net (St. Jakobstrasse 54a, CH-8004 Zurich) is a limited company which is 100% owned by Ron Orp GmbH, based in Zurich. The site’s managers and founders are Romano Strebel, Christian Klinner and Ron Orp.

DealMarket is a global online platform for fundraising and deal flow management – a one‐stop shop for Private Equity & Corporate Finance professionals. DealMarket counts more than 15,000 active private equity professionals from 159 countries and is growing fast. Global leading banks like UBS use DealMarket’s deal flow management tools like hundreds of Investors, Associations and Networks trust our comprehensive service offering for Private Equity.

Top 30 FinTech Startups go beyondGo Beyond Investing brings together a group of private accredited investors dedicated to providing early-stage capital with entrepreneurs seeking investment capital. Go Beyond Investing enables novice & experienced, small & large investors, to access angel investing as an asset class through its unique platform, tools, training and expert angels.

SoSense is a pioneer in digital social innovation with offices in Zürich (Switzerland) and Berlin (Germany). They design creative and engaging concepts, implement innovative and empowering solutions and help run impactful campaigns with leverage.

CreditGate24 connects borrowers with private and institutional investors and offers an efficient and scalable settlement of loans. CreditGate24 operates exclusively online, with no branches or high administrative expenses in order not to diminish the yields on investment and to minimize the cost for borrowers.

Advanon is an authorized financial intermediary that is directly subordinated to FINMA (Directly Subordinated Financial Intermediary, DSFI) according to the Anti Money Laundering Act (AMLA).

Suricate Solutions Sàrl a développé GoHeidi, une plateforme web de financement participatif basée sur la précommande d’un produit/service afin d’aider toute personne à réaliser son projet.

Veolis provides a Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting Platform for sustainable projects in Switzerland, for example: Renewable Energy Projects, Cleantech Company; processes and legal contracts between Project Owner and Investor are simplified and standardized.

c-crowd represents a new way of financing entrepreneurs while democratising the concept of business angels, brings together innovative entrepreneurs and investors.

Loanboox is the independent money and capital market platform for public-sector borrowers and institutional investors. In contrast to conventional brokering, financing and investing through Loanboox is simple, transparent, safe and low cost, benefiting both borrowers and lenders alike.

SWISS STARTER the first equity crowdfunding platform in Ticino (Switzerland), wants to be a real support to help new startup that needed funds to start their project or to carry on existing projects in the critical steps.

Swiss Crowdlending FinTech for private persons and SME. Crowd Solutions is the provider of Crowd4Cash.ch the innovative Crowdlending platform. Crowd4Cash brings investors and borrower together. For better returns for the investors and lower interest rates for borrower. 100% online, easy and simply fair!

swisspeers  ist eine unabhängige Crowdlending Plattform, die es Unternehmen erlaubt, bei Investoren direkt – also ohne Zwischen­schaltung eines Finanzinstituts – Fremdkapital zu beschaffen.

creditworld verbindet Schweizer KMUs mit privaten sowie professionellen Investoren. KMUs profitieren von attraktiven Konditionen und fairen Vertragsbedingungen. Investoren erhalten Zugang zu einer neuen Anlageklasse mit interessanten Renditen und unterstützen dabei das Rückgrat der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft.

Top 30 FinTech Startups Splendit

Splendit matches students and investor in an auction process, issue documentation and manages payments through the lifetime of the loans.


Acredius is an online platform that makes investors’ and borrowers’ needs meet in an unconventional, digital, intuitive and safe environment. Investors can diversify their portfolios and enjoy interesting yields. Borrowers get access to fair financing using their traditional and non-traditional data.

lendoraLendora is a Swiss crowdlending startup. Our platform connects borrowers and investors online to make credit more accessible and investing more rewarding.

foxstoneFoxstone is a Swiss real estate crowdfunding platform. The platform proposes institutional-grade real estate deals in Switzerland through three types of investments: co-ownership, co-investment and mezzanine debt with a minimum investment amount of CHF 25’000.

Credit Exchange AGFührend in Immobilienfinanzierungen in der Schweiz Wir schaffen eine Verbindung zwischen Hypothekarkunden und institutionellen Kreditgebern und erreichen dadurch den besten Zins in Echtzeit. Dabei stehen wir für Integrität, Neutralität, Transparenz und die Sicherheit des Hypothekarmarktes. Unsere Partner zählen zu den Besten auf ihrem Gebiet, teilen unsere Werte und stehen für unternehmerisches Wachstum.

GREEN[]MATCHGreenmatch combines the perspectives of all market participants on one single platform and allows for an efficient interaction. Thanks to the independent, certified financial model, discussions regarding deviations between the financial models of the buyer and the seller do no longer occur. Detailed risk analysis strengthen the trust of banks and accelerate the closure of the project financing. Thus, each market participant saves valuable time and can focus more on his key competences.

tradeplus24Tradeplus24 specialises in providing Swiss KMUs with state of the art Insurance and Receivables Finance solutions. Unlike factoring, our innovative solution offers SMEs the opportunity to get a flexible credit line against their accounts receivable whilst offering them the option to insure their global accounts receivables against default. This way Swiss KMU’s can grow their export business in a financially sound and safe way, even when their buyers demand longer payment terms and want to trade own open account basis.



moneyguru.ch ist der digitale Assistent für private Finanzen in der Schweiz. Der Moneyguru ist von den Gründern von moneyland.ch ins Leben gerufen worden. Die unabhängige Vergleichsseite moneyland.ch ist sozusagen die Mutter, die Datenlieferantin und der Rechner von Moneyguru.


Crowd Trading‘s objective is to bring a revolution to the world wide online financial services being the first on the market to offer a social trading platform to collectively manage portfolios of financial assets through a decision-making system for public groups of investors (herein “crowd”) and an automated trades replication within the crowd.

adviceonline.ch, the complete and regulatory conform Onboarding, Profiling, Opening Document Management, Advisory and Consolidation Suite for EAM and Banks.

Investment Navigator is operated by Investment Navigator AG based in Zurich. Investment Navigator AG works closely with fundinfo, the leading platform for information and mandatory disclosures in the fund sector.

InvestGlass is a 24/7 financial markets platform built with Swiss banking know-how and a predictive algorithm. Their goal is to deliver smart financial information investors need at the right time and in the right format. Equities, Bonds, Forex, ETF, Futures, News and much more…

FLYNT reinvents platforms, services and experiences that put clients in control of their wealth. We see wealth as a means to follow life’s dreams, ambitions and aspirations. Wealth is a gateway to opportunity. Our mission is to transform how our clients realise these opportunities – in the most fluid, dynamic and rewarding way possible.

Top 30 FinTech Startups Sentifi

Sentifi is a leading Crowd-Intelligence platform for financial markets globally, receiving Swiss FinTech Award 2016. Their unique approach is to structure unstructured financial data from news, blogs and social media, identify and rank the sources for their relevance and apply self-learning algorithms and a financial expert system to extract insights from the content.

Qumram enables every digital interaction – web, social and mobile – to be recorded and replayed, at any time, providing a complete digital audit trail for financial services organisations, in accordance with key global regulatory requirements (MIFID-II, SEC, FINRA and more).

SwissMetrics is a dynamic startup from Switzerland that has a mission to enhance the way companies monitor their credit risk. As finance professionals, they have developed a SaaS platform with the aim of promoting smarter collaboration within companies to work for a common goal – saving money through risk minimization.

With diverse academic backgrounds ranging from information technology, mathematics, business administration, political sciences and philosophy, economics, design, linguistics and psychology, Adviscent‘s team of experts brings solid domain expertise on board in the banking, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and food industries.

MeetInvest seeks to democratize stock market investment with a free service that combines a social media platform and an investor toolkit, bringing in one place all the necessary resources for people to start trading like pros.

By leveraging technology, Dein-Anlageberater.ch provides users with personalized investment advisory services and recommendations for asset allocation at a much lower price than traditional investment advisers.

CrowdInvest.ch ist die erste Plattform der Schweiz, bei der jedermann die Kursentwicklung von Aktien prognostizieren kann. Denn wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen, dass kollektives Wissen besser ist als einzelne Expertenmeinungen. Werde jetzt Teil von crowdinvest.ch und miss dich mit den Finanzexperten.

Nectar Financial, formerly Etops, is a Swiss fintech company specializing in wealth and asset management. It provides middle and back office services for more than 30 family offices, independent asset managers and banks and supports them in managing assets in excess of CHF 35 billion.

Riskifier makes investment risk profiling simple, fun and insightful for everyone. Our solution uses latest advances of artificial intelligence to fulfill the requirements of MiFID II/FIDLEG investor risk profiling and KYC data collection, while digitalizing & gamifying user experience as well unleashing advantages of behavior based personalized investment risk profiles.

Pricehubble a Swiss based company, focusing on international real estate markets. We integrate top academic and industry experience in machine learning, computer science, econometrics, mathematics, statistics, financial services and consulting. We develop innovative solutions to support real estate decision making.

EdgeLab is a fintech company providing an investment intelligence web platform to help financial institutions taking smarter decisions.


Apiax is a compliance digitally mastered. We transform complex regulations into easy-to-use digital compliance rules.


theScreener is the market leader for independent valuations of financial securities, equities, sectors and markets, and new funds.

alethenaAlethena is the first Swiss ICO and Blockchain-Asset Rating Agency and Due Diligence Service Provider.

With deep technical insight, vast financial market experience, and a conclusive rating methodology, Alethena bridges the gap between blockchain and established investors. As a Swiss company neutrality is a core of our culture.

Crypto Finance

Crypto Finance AG is a financial technology holding company founded in June 2017. The Group provides blockchain-related services through its three subsidiaries: Crypto Fund AG (Asset Management), Crypto Broker AG (Brokerage), and Crypto Storage AG (Storage).

crowdparkThe Swiss Real Estate sector is one of the most economically and politically stable in the world. It is very popular with institutional investors and remains difficult to access for private investors.

In fact, the heterogeneity of properties, their acquisition values, the complexity of financing them and the retention of information signifies that this market still remains relatively inefficient.

Based on these observations, Crowdpark SA, established on December 1st 2017 in Geneva, is an independent company specialized in Swiss Real Estate Crowd-Investing.

levaLeva sets the new standard for investment syndicates. At the intersection of finance and technology, Leva has developed a novel technology to bring investment syndicates into the 21st century. Our platform allows a fully automated syndicate creation. With Leva, syndicate leaders can conveniently onboard new investors, manage the investor base, and raise capital efficiently.

propmatchDer erste Robo Advisor für die Immobilienwirtschaft. propmatch ist die einfache Lösung zur Analyse, Bewertung und Vermittlung von Standorten, Renditeimmobilien und Grundstücken in der Schweiz.

smolioSmolio ist dein Finanzbuddy. Wir begleiten dich und verkaufen keine Finanzprodukte. Anders als andere profitieren wir nicht versteckt von unseren Empfehlungen. Was du bezahlst finanziert die künftige Entwicklung von Smolio. Eben unabhängig.

ex indiciisex indiciis believe that customer relationship is at the core of the wealth management industry. As a consequence we provide wealth managers with the necessary tools to deliver personalized content to any user interacting with the company through any digital channel.


Performace Watcher Evaluating and comparing the result of one’s investment portfolio must be accessible to everyone. Our aim is to popularize and demystify a traditionally opaque field. We believe in explanations that are simple, clear and understandable to everyone. With the disappearance of Swiss banking secrecy, increased competition, the Internet and a new generation of customers the transparency of results is born.

onedotOnedot is a Swiss company making data consumable across sources and boundaries. Onedot’s artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software helps businesses reduce manual work in data management by 8x, speed up time-to-market by 90% and increase revenue up to 10%. Onedot makes this possible by radically improving data quality–automating the data integration, cleaning and categorisation process.

Additiv develops and implements digital innovations and business models for financial services companies – tailor-made and turnkey.

Qedos designs beautiful & innovative solutions for wealth managers. Their solutions revolutionise the way wealth managers and their client interact. They help wealth managers provide tailored advice, provide a better client experience, achieve superior investment performance, comply with regulations and work more efficiently.

Founded in 2007, NetGuardians was the first company to emerge from the innovation incubator Y-Parc, in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. The company now enjoys a solid international presence with a steadily growing clientele in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

Top 30 FinTech Startups fundbaseFundBase is a cloud-based platform to ultimately host the complete investment process for high-conviction alternative investments. Fundbase delivers to qualified investors a seamlessly integrated platform to discover, execute and monitor complex investments such as hedge funds, private equity and other high-conviction investments.

Pure Value Metrics provides active investors with a unique combination of Global Equity Portfolio Selection, Market Insight, Online Trading and discretionary Voice Execution.

ADDFIN is a business solution for professional investors who seek to benefit and leverage on the full potential offered by digitalization and information technology in order to standardize the workflow, processes and procedures.

Centralway Numbrs is a customer-centric financial services company. It enables its customers to manage their existing bank accounts and personal finances and to buy any financial product from every provider at the best possible price.


Monetas develops technologies that empower people to live and do business with greater freedom than ever before, and that make financial inclusion a reality.

Interaction Partners is a Swiss-based Investor Relations Services firm with a focus on facilitating broker-independent trust-building, live interactions (roadshows) between listed corporates and institutional investors in Zurich, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lugano, Milan and London.

We believe that great decision makers are the ones that ask the right questions. Veezoo empowers them to find the answers efficiently by themselves. We make complex information easy to understand by answering any question with a clean visualization.

Lykke is a Swiss Fintech company building a global marketplace based on blockchain. It builds on decades of thought and research by company founder Richard Olsen, a pioneer in the field of high-frequency finance. Richard served as co-founder and CEO of OANDA, a leading foreign exchange company. Lykke received initial seed funding in 2015.

Oyoba is a finance-as-a-service platform, providing its users access to a wide range of fintech and blockchain services, including bank accounts, Bitcoin wallets, robo advisory, lending, P2P payments and debit cards. Oyoba’s vision is to turn consumer banking into a modern information service by using personal, financial and other data to create new, personalized and better services.

spitchSpitch is a Swiss provider of solutions based on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and voice biometrics, Voice User Interfaces (VUI), and natural language voice data analytics.

moneygridMoneygrid is born out of the vision that currency systems should be as diverse as possible and that they should connected to each other if it does make sense.


Altoo has developed its wealth platform in co-creatorship with its clients. Our independence and diversity enables us to connect people, wealth and processes by technology in a unique way.

algotraderAlgoTrader is an algorithmic trading software system. The company was founded by the CEO Andy Flury in Zurich Switzerland.

yealpYapeal building a new digital bank and we’ll redefine the way people bank.

InstimatchInstimatch Global was founded in 2017. The inspiration for doing so, stemmed from the liquidity crisis in 2007/2008. Our founder witnessed first-hand how the interbank lending and borrowing system broke down and trust between financial institutions disappeared within a matter of days.

AppwayAppway builds software for today, and innovates for the technology of the future. With over 15 years of industry experience, Appway guides the leading financial institutions, both big and small, as they build sustainable and scalable solutions that quickly adapt to changing conditions.

UNBLUUnblu helps the world’s leading banks deliver an in-person experience online. We provide highly secure engagement and collaboration software, enabling banks to enrich the digital experience of their clients.

TINDECOTindeco VISION is our award-winning fully integrated investment management platform. VISION is used by Banks, Family Offices and Fund Managers. VISION CORE Technologies provides Portfolio Administration, Portfolio Management, Risk Management, Order Management and Client Relationship Management – making it a comprehensive solution for Asset Managers.

SygnumSygnum is a technology-driven company that empowers financial services for the digital asset economy. It develops an integrated solution to securely issue, store, trade and manage digital assets.

SEBA Crypto AGAt SEBA, we want to build a gateway that facilitates movement of assets between the crypto and traditional financial markets for major financial investors. Our ambition is to be one of the world’s first universal, fully licensed and supervised crypto banks, offering industry leading crypto-asset financial products and services.


Anders als bei anderen Lernplattformen arbeitet fintool.ch bewusst mit Kurzvideos. Da auf der anderen Seite der zu behandelnde Stoff ausgesprochen vielfältig aber auch von immenser Breite ist, sind der Anzahl solcher Videos kaum Grenzen gesetzt. Der Stoff wird fintool.ch nicht ausgehen. Nach Erscheinen werden die einzelnen „Street-Videos“ in sogenannten Wissensgefässen „zusammengebunden“.

nViso provides the most scalable, robust, and accurate cloud service to measure instantaneous emotional reactions of consumers in online environments. We provide real-time and highly actionable information for Market Research, Brands, Creative Agencies and R&D Product Development. Using award winning and proprietary 3D Facial Imaging technology, compatible with ordinary webcams, we uncover the why and how of customer behaviour in real-time, letting brands make smarter business decisions and build more engaging consumer experiences.

moneyland.ch is a Swiss comparison service site helping you with your financial needs. On moneyland.ch, you can use independent comparison tools for insurance, loans, credit cards, bank accounts, consumer credits, interest rates, trading and much more.

123vergleich – the portal for free insurance comparisons, offers and expert advice. 3 steps to the best offer: Compare – Request an offer – Save premiums!

Comparis is a Swiss Internet comparison service. On comparis.ch, consumers can compare rates and services of health insurances, other insurances, banks, telecom providers, property, vehicles and special offers from retailers – quickly and easily.

