Category : News

News / Switzerland - 2 years ago

Luzerner KB lanciert digitale Vorsorge 3a Produkt

Die Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) erweitert ihre E-Banking-App und lanciert unter der Bezeichnung «fluks 3a» ihr digitales Vorsorge-3a-Angebot. Kundinnen und Kunden können neu ihre Vorsorgegelder der Säule 3a via Smartphone einfach in Wertschriften...

News / Switzerland - 2 years ago

Luzerner KB lanciert digitale Vorsorge 3a App

Die Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) erweitert ihre E-Banking-App und lanciert unter der Bezeichnung «fluks 3a» ihr digitales Vorsorge-3a-Angebot. Kundinnen und Kunden können neu ihre Vorsorgegelder der Säule 3a via Smartphone einfach in Wertschriften...

News / Switzerland - 2 years ago

Top 10 Master’s Degrees in Fintech in Europe

Higher education institutions around the world are catching up to the technology disruption unfolding in the financial industry, actively introducing programs especially designed to cater to rising demand for new skills and knowledge in the field of...

News / Switzerland - 2 years ago

A Comparison of Swiss Robo-Advisory Services

Digital wealth managers, also referred to as robo-advisors, are an emerging trend in Switzerland, with now more than a dozen of homegrown options for customers to choose from. Despite slight differences between one another, these providers all promis...

News / Switzerland - 2 years ago

The Winners of the MONEY Award Switzerland

Last month the “MONEY – The Swiss Finance Summit” was held for the first time. As a “new player in town”, the organisers managed to get off to a flying start in this competitive field: Over the two days of the conference...

News / Switzerland - 2 years ago

Social Media Financial Scams Balloon

Around the world, fraudsters are turning to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach billions of potential victims. As losses continue to pile up, regulators are voicing their concerns, with one going as far as suing a social media...