Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 5 years ago

Top 11 Wealthtech Companies in Switzerland

Wealthtech, a segment of fintech referring to digital solutions transforming the investment and asset management, is thriving in Switzerland. With 75 companies, wealthtech is currently the second most crowded fintech segment in Switzerland, after cry...

News / Switzerland - 5 years ago

Tamedia is Acquiring a Stake the Banking Startup Neon

Having recently invested in the likes of Lykke and Monito, Tamedia continues their streak of fintech investments. The latest addition to their portfolio is Swiss fintech startup Neon. This string of investment seems to validate our picks for the hott...

News / Switzerland - 5 years ago

Schweizer Können nun Google Pay Weltweit Nutzen

Mit dem Start von Google Pay können Schweizer Visa Karteninhaber ab sofort mit allen Android basierten Smartphones– egal von welchem Anbieter – weltweit mobil bezahlen. Die Tokenisation-Technologie von Visa ermöglicht Visa Karteninhabern das sichere...