Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Bitcoin-Blockchain and Crypto Startups DACH Map

The German Blog Paymentbanking published the updated DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) Blockchain/Bitcoin/DLT and Crypto Map. The map counts more then 100 startups in this region and are categorised into Broker, Ledgers, Asset Management, Identity...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Börse Stuttgart treibt Digitalisierung voran

Boerse Stuttgart Digital Ventures GmbH entwickelt innovative Geschäftsmodelle für den börslichen und ausserbörslichen Handel. Die Boerse Stuttgart GmbH hat zum 15. September 2017 eine neue Tochtergesellschaft gegründet: Die Boerse Stuttgart Digital V...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Notable Fintech Startups in the Swiss Romandie

Switzerland currently counts over 200 fintech startups, many of which are unsurprisingly tackling investing and asset management (+50), crowdfunding (+45), and insurance (+25), according to Swisscom’s latest Swiss Fintech Startup Map. The Swiss...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

S&P Global Announces Strategic Investment in Algomi

S&P Global announced it has formed a strategic partnership and taken a minority stake in Algomi, a fintech company with offices in New York, Hong Kong and London. Algomi is the second minority fintech investment this year for S&P Global, foll...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Veezoo sicher sich Pilotprojekt von Axa

Das Zürcher IT-Startup Veezoo ist mit der AXA Winterthur eine Partnerschaft für ein dreimonatiges Proof of Concept-Pilotprojekt (PoC) eingegangen. Veezoo hat eine intelligente, dialogbasierte Software entwickelt, mit der Nutzer die Daten ihres Untern...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

The 15 Largest European Fintechs

Forbes Magazin published recently the 10 largest Fintech companies from the US. Our German blogging friends from paymentbanking tried to research the most valued European Fintechs. In their disclaimer they clearly state that the valuation is sometime...