Enables Businesses to Issue Virtual and Physical Cards


News / Switzerland 538 Views 0 Enables Businesses to Issue Virtual and Physical Cards


News / Switzerland 538 Views 0

Global payments solution provider has rolled out a new offering which will enable businesses to issue fully customisable virtual and physical cards.

The company said that the new Issuing offering takes the complexity out of adding financial services products and helps businesses go live with card programmes quickly.

Businesses can now own and differentiate their card from the rest, whether it’s with a sustainable card using eco-friendly or recycled materials to avoid plastic waste or unique colour combinations.

Inflexible legacy technology has meant that multiple integrations and operational inefficiencies have prevented businesses from sharing interchange fees. Issuing’s modern platform removes patchwork integrations, enabling businesses to unlock new revenue streams through receiving a percentage of card interchange fees.

Meron Colbeci

Meron Colbeci

Meron Colbeci, CPO at said,

“Card issuance and embedded finance has exploded over the past few years as sectors like online travel, marketplaces and digital banking use payments to stay at the heart of their customers’ financial lives. Issuing is built on open, flexible APIs that mean businesses can create purpose-built card programmes, enhance cash flow and unlock new revenue opportunities.”

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