Press Communication in the Metaverse: Rent a PR Cooperates With Zreality


News / Switzerland 532 Views 0

Press Communication in the Metaverse: Rent a PR Cooperates With Zreality


News / Switzerland 532 Views 0

Access to the metaverse is complex and expensive, which is why it is so far used almost exclusively by large companies. The Zurich and Verbier-based PR agency Rent a PR, which has been providing on-demand public relations and communications consulting for five years and has been accepting Bitcoin payments since 2019, is setting another milestone with cooperation and press conferences in the metaverse.

The new service covers all the processes companies use to contact their various stakeholders. From press conferences and product presentations to general meetings, what was previously done in person is now also possible in the metaverse.

Brigitte Kaps

Brigitte Kaps

‘I am very pleased that we are partnering with Zreality and look forward to working with the professional, international team in the future,’

says Brigitte Kaps, CEO & founder of Rent a PR.


The technology partner Zreality is a German company specialising in events, communication, and collaboration in virtual space.


Michael Neidhöfer

‘The metaverse is not just a trend: it has been used productively by companies in the form of virtual and augmented reality solutions in many fields of application such as sales and training for some time. Press conferences are now an additional exciting way for companies to engage with the market,’

says Michael Neidhöfer, CEO & co-founder of Zreality.

‘We are very much looking forward to working with Rent a PR as a pioneer in this field.’

Press conferences: more efficient, larger target group, more sustainable – and timeless

Press conferences held in the metaverse have numerous benefits, both for companies and participants.

‘The fact that many companies find it hard to get journalists to attend their press conferences is partly due to a large amount of time it takes,’

says Kaps. There is no need to travel to and from press conferences in the metaverse. Interested parties can log in and participate in the event via avatar, regardless of where they are, even without using virtual reality glasses. It is also possible to record the event so that it can be attended at a later point in time. And, of course, there are no limits to the number of attendees in virtual space. The potential of the brand or a product can be experienced at first-hand.

Tailor-made PR Advisory on demand instead of expensive monthly retainers

As always with Rent a PR, businesses also only pay for what they need with the new service. The tailor-made offers, available either as packages or subscriptions, enable start-ups and SMEs to keep the costs and time investment required within manageable limits, says Kaps.

‘In cooperation with Zreality, our service enables companies to take their first steps in the metaverse and spark the interest of international journalists.’

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