Strengthening Financial Resilience: Huawei’s Role in the Future of Finance


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Strengthening Financial Resilience: Huawei’s Role in the Future of Finance


News / Switzerland 211 Views 0

The financial sector is on the edge of a major transformation powered by continuous technological advancements. At the recent Huawei HiFS Frontier Forum 2024 in Shenzhen, industry leaders discussed how cloud, network, storage, and computing infrastructures can strengthen financial systems’ resilience.

The forum’s theme, “Boost Resilience, Reshaping Smarter Finance Together,” encapsulates the industry’s collective ambition to navigate the challenges of an uncertain future through technological excellence and collaborative innovation.

This gathering comes at a pivotal moment. Traditional banking boundaries are dissolving, and the definition of financial services is evolving unprecedentedly.

The imperative for digital transformation

As we hurtle towards 2030, the financial landscape is poised for a seismic shift. This evolution places user experience at the forefront, elevating it to a key performance indicator for banks.

Financial services will no longer be confined to traditional banking channels in this new paradigm. Instead, they will be seamlessly integrated into every aspect of our daily lives, powered by artificial intelligence, and delivered through myriad digital touchpoints.

This shift towards omnipresent, AI-driven financial services necessitates fundamentally rethinking how banks operate and deliver value to their customers.

Consequently, the ramifications of service interruptions have escalated dramatically, threatening reputational damage and severe economic losses.

In an ecosystem where financial services are expected to be always-on and instantaneous, even momentary disruptions can have far-reaching consequences. Banks must, therefore, prioritise resilience and continuity as never before.

Identifying the Achilles’s heel of financial services

In recent years, business losses due to service interruptions have surged exponentially. Meticulous statistical analysis has revealed four critical factors behind these failures: security and protection vulnerabilities, data centre interruptions, system and connection failures, and operations and maintenance errors.

As financial services become more digitalised, they face increasing susceptibility to sophisticated cyber threats, demanding advanced security measures.

Disruptions in data centre operations due to the growing reliance on cloud computing and centralised data processing can have cascading effects on a bank’s entire service ecosystem.

The intricate web of interconnected systems powering modern banking services is only as strong as its weakest link, meaning failures in any part of this network can lead to widespread service disruptions.

Additionally, human error remains a significant risk factor; as systems become more complex, the potential for misconfigurations or operational mistakes increases.

Addressing these factors requires a holistic approach encompassing technology, processes, and people to construct resilient financial infrastructures.

The ‘4 Zeros’: A paradigm shift in financial resilience

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Digital Finance BU, stressed the need for financial institutions to stay competitive by adopting the ‘4 Zeros’ approach

Huawei’s vision for the future of finance is crystallised in its ‘4 Zeros’ approach: Zero Downtime, Zero Wait, Zero Touch, and Zero Trust. 

This comprehensive strategy forms the bedrock of Huawei’s mission to empower financial institutions to reshape their resilience, agility, and intelligence.

Zero Downtime ensures continuous service availability, eliminating the concept of ‘offline’ in financial services. This requires robust infrastructure, intelligent predictive maintenance, and seamless failover mechanisms.

Zero Wait focuses on optimising user experience through minimal latency. In an era where instant gratification is the norm, banks must ensure that every interaction, from balance checks to complex transactions, happens in real time.

Zero Touch emphasises the importance of automation in reducing human error and increasing operational efficiency. By automating routine tasks and decision-making processes, banks can free up human resources for more strategic, value-adding activities.

Zero Trust acknowledges the evolving security landscape, where traditional perimeter-based security models are no longer sufficient. It advocates for a security approach that trusts nothing and verifies everything, ensuring robust protection at every level of the financial ecosystem.

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Digital Finance BU, emphasised that in this rapidly evolving intelligent world, financial institutions must reimagine these core attributes to remain competitive in the digital economy.

The ‘4 Zeros’ approach provides a framework for this reimagining, offering a roadmap for banks to evolve from traditional financial institutions into agile, resilient digital enterprises.

iBASE: The cornerstone of lifecycle management

To actualise the ‘4 Zeros’, Huawei advocates a holistic lifecycle management strategy encompassing planning, construction, operation, and ongoing optimization.

This approach is underpinned by the iBASE (Insight-Blueprint-Architecture-Step-Evaluation) methodology, a comprehensive framework guiding institutions through the entire process of infrastructure transformation.

The Insight phase leverages advanced analytics tools to thoroughly understand an institution’s current IT and network health status. This deep dive into existing systems helps identify pain points and areas for improvement.

In the Blueprint stage, a five to 10-year planning roadmap is developed, outlining a clear vision of the target architecture. This may include plans for active-active and hybrid cloud architectures, positioning the institution for future growth and innovation.

Architecture focuses on designing optimal target infrastructures aligned with the institution’s strategic goals. This involves technological considerations, business alignment, and regulatory compliance.

The Step phase involves implementing solutions and procedures for seamless upgrades, migrations, and reconstructions. This phase translates plans into tangible improvements in the bank’s infrastructure.

Finally, the Evaluation stage ensures continuous assessment and improvement. This ongoing evaluation is crucial for maintaining relevance and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

The power of strategic partnerships for financial resilience

financial resilience
King Tsui, CTO of Huawei Digital Finance BU, leverages Cutting-edge technologies comprehensive risk mitigation for financial resilience, running automation and AI to simplify operation, and underscored the importance of partnering with a robust professional services team

King Tsui, CTO of Huawei Digital Finance BU, underscored the importance of partnering with a robust professional services team. Many banks lack the technical reserves necessary to navigate this complex transformation independently.

Huawei’s global network of technical service centres and certified engineers provides the expertise required in IT modernisation, cloud and data centre modernisation, and smart branch modernisation.

This partnership approach recognises that the journey to digital transformation is not one that banks need to—or indeed should—undertake alone. By leveraging the expertise of technology partners, banks can accelerate their transformation, reduce risks, and stay focused on their core business of serving customers.

Cutting-edge technologies for resilient finance

To achieve the ‘ Zeros’, Huawei has introduced advanced technologies. Their AI Storage solution for Trusted Active-Active Architecture ensures service continuity from applications to databases while safeguarding against cyber threats achieving a reliability of 99.999 percent.

This solution ensures data availability and maintains data integrity and performance, crucial factors in the always-on world of digital finance.

The Xinghe Intelligent Network provides a comprehensive networking solution integrating branch networks, multi-cloud environments, security, and open automation data centre links.

This solution addresses the need for a secure, reliable, high-utilisation network infrastructure supporting rapid service development and improved management efficiency.

These technologies form the backbone of a resilient financial infrastructure, enabling banks to deliver consistent, secure, and high-performance services to their customers, regardless of external challenges or internal complexities.

The keystone of operational excellence

Automated operations and maintenance are crucial in addressing the perennial challenge of managing increasingly complex architectures. As new systems and technologies are constantly added to the IT landscape, the risk of building what Huawei terms a “heavy architecture” is becoming increasingly difficult to manage over time.

Huawei’s approach leverages automation and AI to simplify processes, provide key insights, and mitigate risks. Tools such as configuration simulation, network-wide visualisation, and big data analysis of services and user behaviour help to identify potential problems and generate proactive warnings.

This proactive approach to operations and maintenance represents a paradigm shift from reactive problem-solving to predictive risk management.

By automating routine tasks and leveraging AI for complex decision-making, banks can significantly reduce the risk of human error while improving overall operational efficiency.

Comprehensive risk mitigation for financial resilience

Huawei’s suite of solutions goes beyond mere equipment upgrades. The ManageOne cloud management platform, iDRP automated disaster recovery management platform, and network digital map are essential tools for reducing risks and enhancing O&M capabilities.

These solutions focus on comprehensive risk reduction and operational enhancement, ensuring that financial institutions can build truly resilient systems capable of withstanding the challenges of tomorrow. They provide a holistic view of the entire IT ecosystem, enabling banks to manage their infrastructure more effectively and respond to potential issues before they escalate into service-affecting problems.

Continuous optimisation is not merely a buzzword but a full-stack, one-stop service. Huawei’s formidable team, comprising over 10,000 service experts, over 3,000 digital transformation specialists, and over 760,000 certified engineers worldwide, provides unparalleled support.

Their services span the entire spectrum from consulting and planning to optimisation, ensuring financial institutions can build and maintain truly resilient systems.

This ongoing support recognises that digital transformation is not a one-time project but a continuous journey of improvement and adaptation.

Architecting the future of finance

The path to achieving Zero Downtime, Zero Wait, Zero Touch, and Zero Trust is undoubtedly complex, but it is within reach with the right approach and partnerships. As we advance toward an AI-driven financial future, the institutions that embrace these principles will be best positioned to thrive.

By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, comprehensive lifecycle management, and robust professional support, banks can construct resilient infrastructures that withstand today’s challenges and are primed for tomorrow’s opportunities. In this new era of finance, resilience is not just about survival; it’s about reimagining the essence of financial services for a digital age.

The financial institutions that successfully navigate this transformation will not just be banks; they will be technology companies delivering financial services. They will be characterised by their ability to innovate rapidly, adapt to changing customer needs, and maintain unwavering reliability in the face of technological and market disruptions.

As we stand on the brink of this new financial era, the message is clear: the future belongs to those who can build robust and resilient systems.

In the age of cloud and AI, financial resilience is the new competitive advantage, and those who master it will lead the industry into its next golden age.

Partner with Huawei to construct resilient infrastructures that withstand today’s challenges and seize tomorrow’s opportunities.

Featured image credit: Edited from Freepik
