Swiss Robo Advisor True Wealth Reports Strong Demand for New Kids Portfolios


News / Switzerland 314 Views 0

Swiss Robo Advisor True Wealth Reports Strong Demand for New Kids Portfolios


News / Switzerland 314 Views 0

In September 2023, True Wealth was the first Robo Advisor who launched an ETF-based investment solution for children and young people.

The new offering has now been very well received by the market: since its launch in September, the ETF-based portfolios for children and young people have been in high demand report True Wealth.

Felix Niederer

Felix Niederer

«Of the 1’000 securities portfolios opened, 50 percent are for the 0 to 6 age cohort, with the youngest child only a few weeks old,»

says CEO Felix Niederer, summing up the current situation. The investment amounts range from a thousand to over half a million francs per child. This confirms that the child’s long investment horizon is being put to good use and that a favorable balance between risk and return can be achieved.

Startup Competition venture

Strengthening the financial education of young people

True Wealth’s children’s portfolio is a separate, legally protected account with its own investment strategy. Upon reaching the age of majority, the right of disposal is transferred to the child without the need to liquidate or transfer securities.

The account must be opened by the legal representative, i.e. the mother or father. Once opened, all family members and friends can pay in.

«Our experience since the launch shows that children’s portfolios are not only in demand from parents, but often also meet the wishes of grandparents in particular,»

says Niederer.

The investment strategy is determined by the parents, but as soon as the child is capable of making decisions, parents can involve them in the decisions. Like everything else at True Wealth, this is done conveniently and easily online. Children and young people experience the market development of their portfolio live and familiarize themselves with volatility.

Children can also make their own investment suggestions, although parents always have the last word.

Featured image credit: edited from freepik
