Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Credit Suisse Invests in Swiss Fintech Company

SVC Ltd. for Risk Capital for SMEs (SVC Ltd.), an investment vehicle of Credit Suisse in Switzerland, is investing in Assetmax AG, an asset management service provider based in Zurich and Lugano. This is SVC Ltd.’s second investment in a fintec...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Romania Ripe for Fintech Revolution

Although still in early stage compared to nearby countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, and Austria, the Romanian fintech industry is poised to take off as consumer demand for fintech solutions and digital banking increases, according to exper...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

wikifolio Kooperiert mit Robo Advisor Werthstein, Europas Plattform für transparente Anlagestrategien, und der digitale Vermögensverwalter Werthstein kooperieren, um den direkten Zugang zur Geldanlage noch einfacher zu gestalten. Werthstein setzt seine für die Vermögensverwaltung entw...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

TokenPay Swiss Acquires 9.9% of a German Bank

Recently, TokenPay Swiss AG announced its partnership with WEG Bank in Germany. Under the terms of the previously announced deal, TokenPay acquired 9.9% of the bank along with options to purchase approximately 90% overall of the bank pending the cust...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Top 10 Swiss Fintech Start-Ups – Summer Edition

Each quarter, Swisscom teams up with e-foresight to publish a Fintech Startup radar and to select 10 interesting Swiss Fintech Startups. The criteria that the start-ups need to meet are as follows: Transparent business case Meets a clear customer re...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Patrick Barnert Joins Evolute

At an extraordinary General Meeting of Evolute Group AG, the shareholders elected Patrick Barnert to the Board of Directors. Barnert has many years of experience as an entrepreneur and senior executive in the e-business and enterprise software market...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Lykke Receives a European Liscence

Lykke receives a European Investment Firm Licence and will expand its regulated services into the European Markets. On July 4, Lykke Cyprus Limited received approval from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) to operate as a regulate...