Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss Stock Exchange Launches Crypto and ICO Trading

Switzerland’s stock exchange – owned and managed by SIX – today announced that it is building a fully integrated trading, settlement and custody infrastructure for digital assets. SIX is regulated as an operator of Financial Market Infrastructure (FM...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Redalpine Exit: bexio Acquired by Mobiliar

Bexio – part of the Redalpine fund II – just got acquired by Mobiliar. With this acquisition Mobiliar aims to further strengthen their position in the SMB market. bexio, in turn, gets a strong boost in order to further develop their platform. bexio g...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Investor Guide to Smart ICO Investments

Over the past 2 years, the crypto space and blockchain projects have gained popularity across the globe.  As a result, many dubious players entered the market to get a piece of the crypto pie. It is increasingly difficult for investors to differentia...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

The 15 Biggest ICOs So Far

ICOs have gained further momentum this year, raising US$13.7 billion through 537 campaigns in the first five months of 2018 alone, according to a new report by PwC and Crypto Valley. The US remains a leading ICO destination, raising more than US$1 bi...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Vorstellung des Blockchain Gesetzes Liechtenstein

Am Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2018 fand an der Universität Liechtenstein eine Information über das geplante “Blockchain-Gesetz” statt. Im vollständig ausgebuchten Auditorium stellte Regierungschef Adrian Hasler nach einer Begrüssung von Nicolas...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Loanboox Digitalisiert Neu Auch Anleihen

Nach der erfolgreichen Etablierung als führende Plattform im Bereich Gemeindefinanzierung digitalisiert Loanboox nun auch den Schweizer Anleihen-Markt. Damit bedient das mit dem Swiss Fintech Award 2018 ausgezeichnete Unternehmen nun auch das starke...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

ICOs 2018: Verdoppelung in den ersten 5 Monaten

Nach einem leichten Rückgang zu Beginn des Jahres hat das durch Kryptowährungen ermöglichte Crowdfunding wieder rasant zugelegt. Alleine von Januar bis Mai hat das Initial Coin Offering beinahe doppelt so viel Kapital abgeschöpft wie im gesamten Reko...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

How To Trade Cryptocurrencies In Switzerland?

The advent of Bitcoin and its spectacular rise over the last few years has investors pouring their money into cryptocurrencies by the millions. But investing in cryptocurrencies comes with unique investment risks including regulatory risk, security r...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Latvia Pushes Fintech Innovation

Latvia is home to a nascent but rapidly growing startup scene. Though still trying to catch-up with neighboring Estonia, which benefited from the early successes of the likes of Skype and TransferWise, the country is starting to build a reputation fo...