Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

4 Promising P2P-Lending Countries

According to the study of the growing market of the alternative finance, conducted by the European P2P platform, Switzerland, Latvia, Russia and Argentina are expected to join the global alternative lending market in the coming 2-3 years. A...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Digital Piggy Banks Teaching Kids to Save

The iconic piggy bank is getting a digital makeover with now several smartphone apps on the market designed specifically for children to teach them about savings, spending and responsibility. Most money apps for kids act like virtual banks and offer...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

EPFL Studenten gewinnen Blockchain Competition

Zwei 23jährige EPFL-Studenten, Hugo Moreau und Paul Nicolet setzen sich in der finalen Ausscheidung der diesjährigen Blockchain Competition durch. Die feierliche Vergabe des Preises fand in Zuger Theater Casino statt – mitten im Crypto Valley. Die au...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

26 Zertifikate in Digital Finance

Zum dritten Mal überreichte die HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich am 22. November den Absolventinnen und Absolventen des CAS Digital Finance ihre verdienten Zertifikate. Die Studiengruppe zeichnete sich besonders durch hervorragende Abschlussarbei...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Fintech Courses All Over the World You Should Know

Fintech has become a global phenomenon. In the past decade, 5,000 new fintech companies were founded, according to a report from Kleiner Perkins. To stay ahead of the curve, here are several courses to study fintech and better understand the impact o...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss RegTech Start-up Map (Q4)

Each quarter, Swisscom teams up with e-foresight to publish a market overview of Swiss RegTech start-ups with a categorisation based on areas of activity. The focus is on the following areas: Authentication Fidentity fidentity provides digital ident...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

The Rise of Wealthtech: Infographic

Evolving consumer expectations, the rapid adoption of technology and new competitors entering the markets are placing new demands on today’s wealth management firms. These trends are re-shaping the look and feel of the industry, and the change...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Apply for Best European Student Project in FinTech

The Best European Student Project in the field of FinTech will be rewarded on April 12th in Paris, the very same day the Morpheus Cup will take place at the Palais Brongniart. This unique graduate schools and universities championship rewards the bes...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Bitcoin – the Mother of All Pyramids?

Some people call Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme. I tend to disagree as I do not believe that the inventors of Bitcoin intended to operate a fraudulent investment operation. But Bitcoin does bear some commonalities with a Ponzi scheme. What is more, Bitcoin h...