Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 3 months ago

Airwallex Partners With Tech Company Bird

Airwallex, a leading global payments and financial platform, announced its partnership with Bird (formerly MessageBird), a global communication platform, to power Bird’s international payments operations. Powering Bird’s...

News / Switzerland - 3 months ago

Andreessen Horowitz Collects $7.2 Billions

Andreessen Horowitz announced that they have just raised $7.2B for the following venture strategies: American Dynamism ($600M), Apps ($1B), Games ($600M), Infrastructure ($1.25B), and Growth ($3.75B). When Ben Horrowitz...

News / Switzerland - 3 months ago

neon lanciert digitales Gemeinschaftskonto

Der Schweizer Banken-Challenger neon setzt das Wachstum ungebremst fort und zählt gemäss eigenen Angaben nun 200’000 Konto-Nutzer:innen. Gleichzeitig lanciert neon das erste rein App-basierte Schweizer Gemeinschaftskonto...