3 Reasons to Attend the Upcoming Blockchain for Finance 2018 in Ireland


News / Switzerland 1278 Views 0

3 Reasons to Attend the Upcoming Blockchain for Finance 2018 in Ireland


News / Switzerland 1278 Views 0

The term blockchain has evolved tremendously since its infancy, we’d spend time talking about it’s transformational nature and disruptive potential, but we’re sure you’ve heard plenty of it from the blockchain experts that are suddenly coming up from the woodworks.

While there are varying opinions on blockchain from detractors arguing that blockchain is a crappy technology all the way to evangelists calling it the most disruptive technology in decades – there’s one thing we can all agree on is that the development in this space is dizzying.

Which is why we think events Blockchain For Finance 2018 EU can come in handy for blockchain professionals to keep themselves abreast with the latest developments and non-blockchain professionals to keep tabs on the industry.

We’ve check out the agenda and line-up and here are a few reasons we feel the event might be worth your time.

(If you’ve already made up your mind about attending, use our discount code FINSG10 to save 10%)

Get the Opportunity to Deep Dive into Ireland Blockchain Ecosystem

BFC EU Ireland Blockchain Ireland

Image Credit: publicdomainpictures.net

Though when most people speak of countries where blockchain can thrive, places like Zug, Silicon Valley and Singapore often comes to mind, Ireland has really been stepping up their game to position themselves as a blockchain hub.

IDA Ireland an agency responsible for promoting investment recently led an initiative known as Blockchain Ireland which aims to foster innovation and position Ireland as an investment destination for blockchain related projects.

Not wanting to be left behind, the “Big Four” Irish banks has also enter into a blockchain pilot project for payments.

This subject will of course be explored in depth by top government officials from agencies like IDA, Enteprise Ireland’s Fintech team and the Ireland’s Department of Finance.

Explore if Quantum Computing Could Threaten Blockchain’s Existence

For the uninitiated computing today works in binaries either in 1’s or 0’s whereas quantum computing uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement to exist in both states. In plain English, it simply means a huge performance boost for computing like we’ve never seen before.

This is perhaps best explained by Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau whose eloquent answers surprised reporters at a press conference.

While this technology brings about exciting possibilities, some argue that the emergence of quantum computing could break the standard cryptography that blockchain relies on. Some even going as far as saying it would be child’s play for such technology to break blockchain’s cryptographic protection.

By attending BFC EU 2018, you’ll get to hear the thoughts of Dr. Lee Braine, Investment Bank CTO Office at Barclays who has been building their knowledge of quantum computing and find out what they’ve discovered about it.

Examine the Realities of Central Bank Backed Cryptocurrency

Although Venezuela is not exactly a great poster boy for a central bank backed cryptocurrency and many of the countries looking into this use case hails from authoritarian regimes, we still should not discount the possibility of a future with central bank backed cryptocurrencies.

Who better to shine light on this issue than the folks from BIS an organisation that is owned by 60 central banks to look at global financial stability. An organisation that we’re sure many Swiss are familiar with since it is headquarted in Basel.

They recently published study indicating that many forms of Central Bank Backed Cryptocurrency are possible and may enhance efficiency for international settlements among others

Attendees will be able to hear from Henry Holden, a committee member for Payments and Markets Infrasructure for BIS on this research and what the implications maybe for the global economy.

There are so many more compelling and thought provoking subjects curated by the folks a BFC EU, if you wish to check out the full agenda you can do so here. If like us you’re already convinced, you can register now and get 10% off with our code: FIN10


The brochure is now available to download at for anyone interested in finding out more: http://bit.ly/2MA52At

Featured Image via blockchain.fintecnet.com

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