Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

P2P Lending is Being Taken Over by Millennials

Alternative lending observes a continuously increasing number of Millennials and Generation Z. According to the Latvian P2P platform, this tendency is supported by the interest of young investors in a simple and comfortable source of additi...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Interaktive Krypto Infografik

In einer interaktiven Grafik hat Smava, ein Deutsches P2P Lending Unternehmen,  die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema Kryptowährungen kompakt und clever zusammengefasst. Die Crypto-Infografik zeigt auch spannende Fakten, bspw. zum Stromverbrauch vo...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Frankfurt Sees Thriving Fintech Industry: Report

Frankfurt is on the path to become a world leading fintech hub, leveraging Germany’s economic strengths in the tech industry and the city’s position as the European Union’s financial center, according to Startup Genome’s annual startup ecosystem repo...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Funding for Real World Asset Tokenizer

Brickblock announces successful €5 million capital raise and raised 10 Mio Euro in an ICO. Brickblock is a fintech company providing a decentralized platform where asset providers can tokenize real-world assets. This technology allows users to invest...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

AdNovum: Partnerschaft mit NetGuardians

AdNovum geht eine Partnerschaft mit dem Schweizer Spezialisten für Betrugsprävention NetGuardians ein und wird deren Machine-Learning-basierte Risikoerkennungsplattform in ihre Lösungen integrieren. Durch die Partnerschaft stärkt AdNovum ihr Angebot...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss Fintech Startup Map, May 2018

Swisscom released the Swiss Fintech Startup Map for May 2018 which now counts 232 Swiss Fintech Startups. In April it counted 224 companies. One of the new Fintechs is Daura, a Swisscom venture for funding startups  and issuing sme shares on the bloc...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

15 Millionen für Schweizer KI Tech Startup

Starmind International AG, das in Küsnacht ansässige KI Tech Unternehmen, das selbstlernende Netzwerke für den Zugang zum menschlichen Fachwissen aufbaut, hat den Abschluss einer grossen Wachstumsfinanzierungsrunde bekanntgegeben. Digital+ Partners,...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Top 15 Fintech Startups In Ireland

Fintech in booming in Ireland as the country shows itself to be a key industry hub in the wake of Brexit, with favorable government initiatives and strategies, a large network of accelerators and the all-important convergence of banks and disruptors...