Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 4 years ago

Credit Suisse Secures 35% of a Digital Bank in Brazil

Credit Suisse and the controlling shareholders of modalmais have signed a strategic long-term agreement that allows Credit Suisse to purchase preferred shares equivalent to up to 35% of the total capital of modalmais. Philipp Wehle Philipp Wehle, CEO...

News / Switzerland - 4 years ago

A Blockchain-Based COVID-19 Records App for Cyprus

With the pandemic putting healthcare systems under strain worldwide, Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are also shifting requirements for data security and sharing. The public blockchain platform, VeChain furthers the collaboration with I-Dante...

News / Switzerland - 4 years ago

Blockchain and DLT: No Changes for Swiss Tax Law

During its meeting on 19 June 2020, the Federal Council took note of the report on the need to amend tax law with regard to blockchain. The report concluded that no special legislative amendments to tax law are necessary. As regards income, profit, w...

News / Switzerland - 4 years ago

St.Galler Kantonalbank baut Open Wealthtech API

Synpulse unterstützt die St.Galler Kantonalbank (SGKB) dabei, standardisierte Programmierschnittstellen (APIs) für ihre Depotbank-Services gegenüber ihren externen Vermögensverwaltern (eVV) zu entwerfen. Die neuen OpenWealth APIs werden gemeinsam mi...