Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Die Swiss FinTech Awards 2018 Gewinner sind …

Mit dem Ziel der Standortförderung wurde rund um die Swiss FinTech Awards das stärkste Schweizer Fintech-Ökosystem mit internationaler Vernetzung aufgebaut. Dieses Netzwerk von zahlreichen Partnerorganisationen und Fintech-Experten ( is...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Benefits and Risks of Big Data, ESA Report

The Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) published its final report on Big Data analyzing its impact on consumers and financial firms. Overall, the ESAs have found that while the development of Big Data poses some potential...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Fintech ICOs In Switzerland: All You Have To Know

Switzerland has become a hotbed for cryptocurrency and blockchain, and in many aspects, is now one of the world leaders in initial coin offerings (ICOs). According to a report by Funderbeam, ICOs in Switzerland account for about 13% of the total amou...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Erster P2P Lending Minuszins-Kredit

Das Fintech-Unternehmen CreditGate24 sorgt mit einem Kreditzins von -0.75% für Furore und ist somit der erste Schweizer Anbieter eines Konsumkredits mit Negativzinsen. Pünktlich zum dreijährigen Firmenbestehen macht der Marketplace-Lender CreditGate2...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Robo-Advisory Market In Germany

Robo-advisors are set to become more and more important in Germany, and by 2022, it is estimated that these will manage as much as US$14 billion in assets under management (AUM) at a annual growth rate of 42.2%, according to Statista. This year, robo...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss Fintech Startup Map, March 2018

Swisscom released the Swiss Fintech Startup Map for March 2018 which now counts 215 Swiss Fintech Startups. The post Swiss Fintech Startup Map, March 2018 appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News - FintechNewsCH.

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Finance 2.0 mit Keynote Group CEO SIX

Finance 2.0, die schweizweit grösste Fintech-Konferenz, geht am 20. März in Zürich in die 6. Runde. Ein Schwerpunkt der diesjährigen Ausgabe ist der Paradigmenwechsel, der derzeit stattfindet: Das klassische Customer Relation Management (CRM) wird ab...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss Banks Accelerate AI Adoption

Artificial intelligence (AI) in banking is a fast-developing reality as banks around the world are looking to leverage the technology to reduce costs and create better client experiences. “Based on our UBS Evidence Lab survey of 86 banks, an op...