Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Graphik: Überblick der Swiss FinTech Landschaft

Die Kollegen vom Deutschen Blog paymentbanking haben sich dem Thema Schweiz angenommen und einen Überblick  der Schweizer FinTech Szene gegeben. Dieses Swiss FinTech Overview widmet sich denen der unbundling banks. Update Stand: Februar 2018 The p...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

All Robo Advisors You Have To Know In Switzerland

Robo advisors, a class of financial advisor that provide financial advice or investment management online with moderate to minimal human intervention, are growing in popularity. These provide digital financial advice based on mathematical rules or al...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

venbona lanciert neues Feature

Die meisten Immobilienverkäufer stehen vor der Veräusserung vor schwierigen Fragen: Den Verkauf selber abwickeln? Das Geschäft an einen Makler delegieren? Und wie kann der bestmögliche Preis für die Immobilie erreicht werden? Die Antwort: venbona. ve...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

New Paper Calls For “Swiss Crypto Franc”

In a new paper released earlier this week, Swiss club Fintech Rockers advises for the creation of a national cryptocurrency and details the specifics of the project. According to the document, the introduction of a national blockchain and correspondi...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Top 10 Most Innovative Finance Companies

Fastcompany has selected the most innovative Finance companies for 2018: 10. Wealthfront Redwood City, CA – based company encourages its customers to experiment with life scenarios (retiring early, paying for college, buying a home) on an on...