Category : Switzerland

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss FinTech Startup Map December Christmas Edition

Swiss Fintech Startup Map December: Im Monats-Rhythmus veröffentlicht Swisscom zusammen mit e-foresight eine Marktübersicht der Schweizer FinTech Start-up Landschaft mit einer Kategorisierung nach Handlungsfeldern sowie relevanten Incumbents. Seit No...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Lykke Raised 6 Million CHF in 24 Hours

Lykke, a Swiss FinTech company building a global marketplace on the blockchain, raised almost 6 million CHF in 24 hours of the Lykke 2-year forward (LKK2Y) token sale. “We are very pleased with these results,” said Richard Olsen, Lykke founder and CE...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

CREALOGIX Investiert in den Asiatischen Markt

CREALOGIX baut mit speziell für den asiatischen Markt zugeschnittenen Softwarelösungen seine Geschäftsaktivitäten im Raum Asien/Pazifik aus. Pascal Wengi leitet ab sofort die Niederlassung in Singapur. Als Managing Director Asia/Pacific (APAC) zeichn...

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

Swiss-Chalet to Accept Bitcoin and Ether

Restaurant and hotel guests of the Swiss-Chalet Merlischachen can pay with cryptocurrencies as of today. The Swiss-Chalet Merlischachen is the first hotel and restaurant in the Crypto Valley to accept cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ether for payments....

News / Switzerland - 6 years ago

US Cities Dominates for Millennial Millionaires

There are more than twice as many millionaires under the age of 35 – so-called millennial millionaires — in US cities than in any other countries’ cities, research from economics and business website Verdict and compiled by GlobalData Wealth In...